Hi Everyone! I seem to have a lot of information that I've gathered so far in this lifetime and want to share, so I am starting a blog! I'll cover lots of things about life, family, and home. Many of my posts will relate to auto-immune disorders, and specifically Dermatomyositis, and how that has impacted my life so far, what I have learned along the way, and how I'm managing it. I'll also cover fun stuff too! We'll talk about crafts, cooking/baking, home décor, and things I have found that make life easier. We all like easy, and time saving things, right?

About Me:
So, about me....I'm in my mid-forties, married, and am a working mom and grandma. I live in the Midwest United States, where we can have all four seasons in one day - gotta love those days, lol. Two of my kids are adults that are living out on their own and are crushing adulthood with babies, jobs, fur-babies, and livestock. My younger two are teenagers still in school that are living at home. They keep me busy with their activities and I am proud of their hard work in both academics and their extra curriculars. In 2019, I was diagnosed with Tif1 Gamma and NXP-2 positive Dermatomyositis and life changed drastically for me. Its been a series of frustration, trial and error, confusion, and so many more things, but, I have gained a lot of information, too, and I think it would be helpful to share it with others. I love to craft, bake, and whip up homemade recipes, so I want to share that side of me as well. I'll probably post some travel information too, as that is something I like to do, too!

Blog Goals:
Goals for this blog - I plan on posting twice a week. One post will be about DM or Auto-Immune disorders and the other will be something fun - recipes, craft projects, fun stuff I have found, etc. I'll do my best to keep up that schedule, but life does get in the way sometimes, so I cannot promise it will always be that way. Please feel free to comment, discuss, and ask questions! I'll be an open book!
Please visit my Pinterest page as I'll have a catalog of things there too! https://www.pinterest.com/jenscrazyhome/
Talk to you again soon! Take care!