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The Blog of Jen's Crazy Home
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Important to know....
It has to be said and made undisputedly clear - I'm not a medical professional in any way - not a doctor, not a nurse, no medical training. I'm writing this blog to share my experiences, emotions, and thoughts about diseases that have impacted my life. I am NOT telling you to do things exactly as I do, or to go take certain medications, or change your treatment plan, or anything to that effect. The purpose here is to have a voice in the world that talks about what Dermatomyositis and auto-immune patients go through. Always talk to your doctor or medical provider about your inidividual care and treatment plan. What works for me may not work for you, just as what works for you may not work for me. We're individuals and our bodies can react very differently to medications and treatments. Always talk with your medical provider about your care.

Who is Jen?
Welcome to Jen's Crazy Home! I'm a writer, a mother, and a chronic illness warrior. I started this blog to share my journey living with Dermatomyositis and other autoimmune disorders. You'll also find posts about my family, cooking, baking, travel and more. So stick around and let's go on this adventure together!
“Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain.”
Vivian Greene